Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Now this Myrmidon certainly belongs to the Caster it was made for, Ossyan. ;)


And here is ...Rahn's? ...Ravyn's! personal 'don, 'donna? Discordia:

The photos are still giant, so I don't know what is going on with blogger....

The Banshee.

I received my package in the mail this week from the USA and after having some fun building Gators, turned my hand to building that dual- sword wielding Myrmidon, the Banshee!

The Vyre Myrmidons can look a little stiff, so I tried to get a bit of movement into the pose and I feel that I have achieved that.

Winding up to cut down anything that gets in its way:

For some reason the sizing has gone AWOL. Sorry about that XD